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Email me your assignment, text book information, and all other specifications and I will contact you.  We will discuss your requirements then.  It is a lot easier for me to review your requirements when I can see the assignment.  

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How do I get started?

The process is simple.  Email what you need assistance with and include all the needed information that is listed on the home page.  I will contact you as soon as I am able (generally in a few hours, sometimes seconds).  The more information you provide, the easier it is to communicate. 

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How does this work?

I don't believe there is enough room on this page to list all of the subjects that I have assisted with.  Please, just ask.  If I cannot help, I generally know someone who can.  

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What can I get help with?

Contact me via text, cell and email.  Please make sure you list your name in your text messages :) 

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You can.  Make this a needed requirement ahead of time please. 

Can I review the work as it is occurring?

Yes.  Most times you will be working with me :)

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Can I work with the same tutor again?
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